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  • Writer's pictureMagnet Theatre

Abigail Mei's Reflections

Creating the Early Years work was very challenging for me, firstly I'm not familiar with creating work for children these young. Unlike children over seven, where I am used to being more energetic in the way I can perform. Here is the game changer because the children are younger and require from the actor/ performer to be less ( less is more), to be soft mainly just to "BE". By saying that it simply means to be you and to honest in every and all possible ways of making the piece, of discovering, of play.

Early Years creations made me learn so much about myself, and made me reflect so much on my childhood which made me understand myself better as a person and a theatre maker. Mainly what I take home with me from creating these wonderful works is UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENCES, every possible way there might be. From starting with myself , my peers (fellow performers with me on stage ), cultures, personalities, and most importantly my audience and also from watching other pieces.

This is truly  a gift that a performer has when he/she has the courage, the love, the desire, to make theatre for young children . The process also is where the heart is. It is absolutely beautiful and I loved and always will love this, this is where the heart is.

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